Praesent id odio quis massa aliquet dictum ut eget erat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque sit amet congue tellus.
liters of honey sold
mil bees on the farm
bees families
hectares of fields
Suspendisse mattis enim velit. Maecenas egestas mi auctor tortor imperdiet, ut bibendum arcu faucibus. Pellentesque malesuada erat eget felis consectetur laoreet. Nullam eu nunc aliquet, maximus magna nec, placerat tellus.
Useful properties of honey
- regulates metabolic processes
- increases immunity
- honey improves blood composition
- helps to cope with insomnia
- gives energy to the body, restores strength
Making honey is a complex and unique process and is produced in several stages
Suspendisse mattis enim velit. Maecenas egestas mi auctor tortor imperdiet, ut bibendum arcu faucibus. Pellentesque malesuada erat eget felis consectetur laoreet. Nullam eu nunc aliquet, maximus magna nec, placerat tellus.
01. Flowers produce nectar and attract our bees
Suspendisse mattis enim velit. Maecenas egestas mi auctor tortor imperdiet.
02. Bees collect the nectar and carry it to the beehive
Suspendisse mattis enim velit. Maecenas egestas mi auctor tortor imperdiet.
03. Bees seal cells with wax and honey ripens
Suspendisse mattis enim velit. Maecenas egestas mi auctor tortor imperdiet.
04. We collect the product and transfer it to the packaging
Suspendisse mattis enim velit. Maecenas egestas mi auctor tortor imperdiet.
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